You might have seen my previous post "How to create a staircase using editor scripts in Unity".
Here you find a script to create a pyramid like structure.
All you have to follow the procedure to create the basic building block of pyramid. In staircase I used a cube like structure as basic building block. This time I am using a capsule with some texture applied over it.
My capsule looks like:
Now the same procedure as Stairs, Just replace the script with the following one.
Script name: PyramidGenerator.cs
The script I have written is in C#. the class extends Editor Window class of Unity. We do not need any extra plugin to run this script but while placing it in the project , you need to place it in "Editor" folder.
The script is as follows.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class PyramidGenerator : EditorWindow {
public GameObject cratePrefab;//prefab of building block
GameObject crate,Pyramid;//building blocks and final pyramid
int pyrHeight;//height or number of layers
float offset=0.25f;
[MenuItem("Pyramid/Create Pyramid")]//menu to show the window
public static void ShowWindow()
void OnGUI()
//Enter the height and basic block's reference
pyrHeight=EditorGUILayout.IntField("Height of Pyramid :",pyrHeight);
cratePrefab =(GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Base Game Object :",cratePrefab, typeof(GameObject), true);
//Create the pyramid
Pyramid=new GameObject("Pyramid");
for(int pyrLength=pyrHeight*2;pyrLength>0;pyrLength--)
for(int pyrWidth=pyrHeight*2;pyrWidth>0;pyrWidth--)
crate=GameObject.Instantiate(cratePrefab,new Vector3(0,0,0),Quaternion.identity)as GameObject;
crate.transform.position=new Vector3(pyrLength+offset,crate.transform.position.y+offset,pyrWidth+offset);
//Create the top most block
crate=GameObject.Instantiate(cratePrefab,new Vector3(0,0,0),Quaternion.identity)as GameObject;
crate.transform.position=new Vector3(crate.transform.position.x,crate.transform.position.y+offset,crate.transform.position.z);
crate.transform.position=new Vector3(crate.transform.position.x+offset,crate.transform.position.y,crate.transform.position.z+offset);
And if you create pyramid of height 10, it 'll look like,
So, Friends this is how you can create a pyramid using an editor script in unity3d.
For any comments and suggestions please write to me in the following comment box..
You might have seen my previous post "How to create a staircase using editor scripts in Unity".
Here you find a script to create a pyramid like structure.
All you have to follow the procedure to create the basic building block of pyramid. In staircase I used a cube like structure as basic building block. This time I am using a capsule with some texture applied over it.
My capsule looks like:
Now the same procedure as Stairs, Just replace the script with the following one.
Script name: PyramidGenerator.cs
The script I have written is in C#. the class extends Editor Window class of Unity. We do not need any extra plugin to run this script but while placing it in the project , you need to place it in "Editor" folder.
The script is as follows.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class PyramidGenerator : EditorWindow {
public GameObject cratePrefab;//prefab of building block
GameObject crate,Pyramid;//building blocks and final pyramid
int pyrHeight;//height or number of layers
float offset=0.25f;
[MenuItem("Pyramid/Create Pyramid")]//menu to show the window
public static void ShowWindow()
void OnGUI()
//Enter the height and basic block's reference
pyrHeight=EditorGUILayout.IntField("Height of Pyramid :",pyrHeight);
cratePrefab =(GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Base Game Object :",cratePrefab, typeof(GameObject), true);
//Create the pyramid
Pyramid=new GameObject("Pyramid");
for(int pyrLength=pyrHeight*2;pyrLength>0;pyrLength--)
for(int pyrWidth=pyrHeight*2;pyrWidth>0;pyrWidth--)
crate=GameObject.Instantiate(cratePrefab,new Vector3(0,0,0),Quaternion.identity)as GameObject;
crate.transform.position=new Vector3(pyrLength+offset,crate.transform.position.y+offset,pyrWidth+offset);
//Create the top most block
crate=GameObject.Instantiate(cratePrefab,new Vector3(0,0,0),Quaternion.identity)as GameObject;
crate.transform.position=new Vector3(crate.transform.position.x,crate.transform.position.y+offset,crate.transform.position.z);
crate.transform.position=new Vector3(crate.transform.position.x+offset,crate.transform.position.y,crate.transform.position.z+offset);
For any comments and suggestions please write to me in the following comment box..
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